Moving with my cat
by Monika
(Laredo, TX)
Hello I have an 8 year old cat that has been outside for the last 5 years and now we moved to a new home in another neighborhood, we are afraid to take him to the new house because we've heard the cats territory is very important and they'll go back to the old place or runaway and we are afraid someone will run him over or something since he doesn't know the place. What can we do so he gets used to our new home?
Answer by Kate
I wouldn't worry too much, people move home all the time with their cats and they get used to their new territory.
Cats are very intelligent creatures and also very adaptable, once they know there new home they will claim it for their own territory.
you will have to keep your cat inside at first when you first move so that the cat can get used to the new smells and environment, then once they are used to that you can let then out for short periods, sit with them outside so that they can get used to the outside areas. then after a while they will be fine on their own outside.
i do have a web page about how to move with your cat here
best wishes Kate
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