Mrs, M. Taylor

my daughters two cats took ill quite suddenly . They were glassy eyed , lethargic and not responsive . They took them to the vet , nine hours and eight hundred dollars later they took them home with no diagnosis . They did blood work and tox screens and stool samples and found nothing . The cats are still the same , it has been two days now . They were told to give them tuna water to keep from dehydrating , but they seemed to improve a bit , then right back into glossy eyes and no response . Is there any suggestions you can give ?

Answer by Kate
i am so sorry to here that both these cats are unwell. However I am not a vet and if the vets could not find out what was wrong I certainly cannot suggest any thing.

Perhaps other visitor to this forum will have experienced something similar and comment.

i am hoping that it is just a virus that will pass. It is unusual for both cats to go sick at the same time.

i hope they are Ok again soon

best wishes Kate

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Abby Gail
by: Narcissie Menefee

I am so very sorry that your cat's are ill. As you might have read by now I have been having a problem with my cat crying and not eating or drinking. She went down hill almost over night and after all my trying we lost her at 2 a.m. this morning . She died in mmy arms and I know she is at peace and no longer suffering. I will miss her dearly but I have to believe she is in a better place now and not in pain. I could not get her to a vet but I honestly believe she was just old and it was her time. She called out just before she died and I was with her til the end. I could not pick her up because it was hurting her but she looked at me when she took her last breath. I'm not sure what this has to do with your problem but just had to say it. My Abby will be missed and she was a very special friend. Please try to get some water and vitamins in your cats and make sure there head it up or their lungs will fill up and they will drown.

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