My 2 siamese cats aren't doing well with the new cat in the house!

by Tatiana
(monroe Ct)

I have two senior siamese cats(male and female) and have just adopted a new six month-old (female) kitten.

My siames aren't doing well with her she wants to be friends but they hiss at her and run away.We are worried because she is sleeping in there bed and they don't come out with us any more.Now they hide and she romes around. We have tried two introduce them slowly how ever in all ends up the same way.we have noticed that they are getting better with her but it hasn't improved by much.Please help us get them all ajusted and bring are cats back to there normal lives!

Answer by Kate
take a step back and start the introduction process again, you should do this over a week period please see my page about the process here
Make sure that all the cats scent is spread around the home.

The cats will get used to eah other but it can take some time and they may never actually be friends. cats will prefer just to give each other a wide burth if they do not get on rather than fight. Hissing etc is just a fear /stroke warning and is completely natural.

Don't worry, it is important that you stay calm around them all and don't make too much fuss over the situation if they do hiss at each other. cats have their own ways of socializing and getting to know and accept other animals. You cannot force it.

best wishes Kate

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