My 2 year old Persian died last night

by Jayni
(Royal, IA, USA)

She started only using the litterbox for urinating and would poop outside the litterbox by the end of her life all the time. At times it would be normal and at times, it would be running. There was mucus in it a few times. She also quit going into heat a few months ago, or at least we assume she did, because she was no longer doing her cat call on a regular basis. It seemed as though she has lost some weight, but played alot with the other cat in the house. Then she disappeared. We found her in our front load washing machine were she chose to go and die. Why??? What could have been wrong?

Answer by Kate
Oh Jayni I am sorry to hear your news. Unfortunately there is no way to say what could have caused your cats death. the symptoms you described could be attributed to all sorts of illnesses.

the only way to really tell would be to have her looked at by a vet but really this would cost a lot and may not even then be able to give you a definite answer.

your best option is to grive for her and not dwell on the whys. i know this is hard.

best wishes Kate

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