My 4 month old kitten is a pain!

by Michael
(Tulsa, OK)

I got my kitten from a friend when she was 6 weeks old. She is very playful, she used to attack your hands and feet. We broke her of that habit I think? But now she is a wreck. She will play with bags, jumps in boxes, jumps in the cabinets. Oh and she always attacks our older female cat. anyways my question is 'How do I get her to calm down?' We just want her to be lovable like a lap cat. We love her to death. What should I do?

Answer by Kate
this is easy to answer, you can't. She is a kitten and is doing what most kittens do. This is normal behavior and nothing will stop her. Just imagine trying to tell a two year old child not to play or cry any more. Impossible. However the good news is she will grow out of it as she gets older. ALso once she is spyed around four months old she will also calm down.

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