my cat attacks me

by valerie
(deerfield, florida, USA)

my cat is named cici and she is starting to attack me, but only when we are outside. every time i try to pet her or pick her up or even get near her she will hiss at me or try to scratch me. There wont even be another cat around her or me. It doesnt happen every time we are outside, but it happen alot. after shes tired or i manage tobring her in than she acts normal and is the loving cat im use to. She never attacks me at home, only outside. She loves being with any one in the house and she is vey loving, but her attitude changes when she goes outside sometimes. Yes she is fixed.

Answer from KAte
Hi it sounds like she is uneasy outside and on her guard. She obviously needs to be in complete control when she is outside and being picked up or near you could be making her feel less in control of things and so she is warning you off.

I wouldn't worry about this, you will just have to accept that when she is outside she needs to be left alone.

best wishes kate

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