My Cat Called Mephedrone

by Dominik
(Sochaczew, Poland )



He is a lazy outdoor tabby cat, loves chicken and goes crazy when presented with it's meat. Friendly to everyone he meets
Why did I named him Mephedrone:
1. When he was born I was high on the said substance
2. When high, I jokingly said to my girlfriend that "M on his forhead stands for mephedrone"
3. He acts like a person under it's influence(very friendly and social, yet lazy)

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Feb 16, 2025
Monty sweet boy
by: Jordan


Zig our exotic shorthair has had a new friend . What an amazing friend he is too . Zig and Monty have helped me through a massive trauma in my life . They are so beautiful and affectionate.
Monty is a super boy 🤩

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