my cat dolly

by leanne

my cat dolly is 3 years old and for the past couple of months she has had a large amount of loose fur which we cant get rid of but she has also started pullin clumps of her fur out which is leavin bald patches nd severe thinning of the fur. her appetite is good and is going to the toilet normaly. her fur is very thick and im not sure if it's the loss of fur but she has started looking abit thin. can you give me any suggestions to what it might be.

Answer by Kate
Hi, well i am not a vet and my first thought would be that if she is also looking thin then their could be something physically wrong that needs treatment. There are so many things it could be and probably the only real way to find out will be via a blood test.
Check out my page under the heading of cat health re cat skin problems for some further information about possible causes. But really i would get her checked out sooner rather than later.
best wishes

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