my cat has blood in her stool and its diarreha

Hello,I found a momma cat and 5 kittens in my air venting system about 3 weeks ago.the kittens seem to be fine but the momma,daisy seems to be having some problems.she has been having really bad diarrhea, almost completely like water and I noticed that there is some blood in it.its bright red almost as if the lining of her anus is bleed but I haven't noticed any blood on her.she is eating fine and drinking a ton of water a day but I was just wondering if this could be something serious and if so could it harm the kittens.

Hi yes this is serious if there is a lot of blood coming from her anus area. This sounds like a bad case of diarrhea which may be caused by worms or fleas or even an infection. All of these things could be very harmful to the kittens too.

The reason she is drinking so much is because the diarrhea is making her dehydrated. This is a bad case and she needs to see a vet as soon as possible for her own sake and the sake of the kittens. If she is sick she will not be able to feed the kittens properly etc and the first weeks of life for a kitten requires this special care from their mother.

I hope the vet can sort her out quickly.

best wishes kate

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