My cat is listless and barely eating,

by Denise

I have a female 1 1/2 year old cat that has, in the last 3 days become listless, not getting up to eat or drink. Lots of shedding and hair standing up. Left eye is droopy nad left ear laying flat.


this does not sound good at all and may suggest some sort of head injury. The best thing you can do is to take her to see a vet as soon as you can. there really isn't anything you can do for her at home and she may need urgent medical care.

I hope the vet can help her.


Comments for My cat is listless and barely eating,

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by: Anonymous

my kitten who is 5 mo. old is sick. his whole body is swollen, he wont eat, barely drinks and has NO energy whatsoever. we took him to the vet last night (which drained my savings account) and the vet couldnt even tell me whats wrong. he said his heart and lungs sounded great. he is an inside cat so i dont think he got bit or stung or anything. i take pride in my cats and they are well cared for. anyways, the vet gave him an IV to get his fluid levels up and gave him an antibiotic shot. he also prescribed doxycycline for the next 14 days. he told us to monitor Loki for the next 48 hrs. or so. It has been about 16 hours now and his body is even more swollen....the vet said its edema...but doesnt know the cause. my question is this--would edema get worse b4 it gets better? should i be making another trip to the vet right now or wait? im worried that he may pass away :(

Ah this sounds terrible.

Sometimes vets do need to monitor and do tests over a period of time before the true cause can be discovered.

I can't comment on whether it will get worse before it gets better. I think your best option is to telephone your vet for advice on whether this should be happening or not.

I hope he is Ok.


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