My Cat is not well, Please Help
by Amy
My Cat hasn't been very well latley, she is about 19 years old and latley her legs have not been very strong, Today she colapsed on the floor and this runny substance came out of her behind, she kept trying to stand but continued to fall down. We don't want to take her to the vets because they might put her down, Also her breathing and heart rate got really fast and we she wouldn't stand. Please help, I dont know whats wrong.
Answer by Kate
Please please understand what I am about to say is not meant to upset you.
It really does sound like your cat is extremely unwell and could in fact be coming to the end of her life. She sounds like she has heart problems and she may indeed have had a heart attack or stroke or even a fit. I have seen this before.
Unfortunately your cat is suffering and if the vet feels that there is nothing he can do for her, especially due to her age, then the kindest thing you can do for your cat is help her on her way. Hard I know but part of the caring we can give to our feline friends.
i am sorry to be so frank. But a trip to the vets is really the only answer at this time.