My cat is twitching and licking herself

by cat owner

my cat runs around twitching and licking herself like crazy why does she do that

Firstly have you checked for fleas? She may have a flea infestation of even be allergic to their bite. This is always the first thing to check out.

other than that she may have some sort of feline allergy which is not uncommon. Please see this page for more on this

In severe cases there is a condition known as Feline Hyperesthesia, this is a difficult illness to diagnose and treat. i have more information about this here

I know how distressing a twitchy cat can be. My old cat was allergic to flea bites and it only took one to set her off running around and frantically biting herself to get rid of the itch.

I hope you find the reason for your cats behavior soon

best wishes kate

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