My cat lays in litterbox

by Jennifer
(Erwin, Tennessee, USA)



Hi Kate,

My 3 year old neutered male cat, Sammy won't stop laying in his litterbox. There has been alot of stuff going on lately and I wonder if he's just stressed. My 8 year old spayed female cat, Dott passed away recently from hemmoraging and my 12 year old neutered male cat, Morrys went a few days later. Morrys also layed in the litterbox all the time, but also stopped eating. Sammy still eats, but I am still scared. I can't get him to stop laying in the litterbox (clean or dirty). Should I be worried? How do I get him to stop this behavior?

Answer by Kate
hi yes i think your suspicions are correct, this cat will be feeling rather stressed with all the changes and the loss of the other cats. however grief in cats is not unusual, see my page here

the litter tray will smell most strongly of him and this will make him feel more secure and this probably the
reason for the sleeping in the tray. i don't think it is anything to worry about short term, in fact i see cats who are in animal shelters do the same. Give him time to calm down and come to terms with the changes. don't try to force him to do anything as this will increase his stress, just give him lots of attention, make sure there is plenty to keep him occupied and distracted

And i'm sure over time he will stop this behaviour and return to normal.

best wishes kate

Comments for My cat lays in litterbox

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by: Anonymous

Our 1 year old cat just started laying in his litter box. He will do it for a few days then be ok for a month. Then will go back to laying in the box. I'm going to try to find something else for him to hide in. This is ridiculous that a pampered house cat has anything to be anxious over.

my cat lays in litterbox
by: Anonymous

We also have had this problem, mostly on the 4th of july. Our cat is actually hiding because of the stress of the fireworks.So the next year i turned on a radio, & a fan to drown out the noise ,& it worked. Of course alot of tender loving moments went along with this treatment.

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