My cat pooing everywhere all of a suddent but why?
by Hina
My 8 year old cat Lucky
Hello My cats name is lucky,
my cat is roughly about 8 years old, she has never had poosing problem, but all of a sudden, shes started to poo all over the house, behind T.vs, in corners, by plants in the house and behind doors, she even pooed on a play table in the garden for my younger brother and a pathway in the garden, nothings changed apart from recently i washed my cat with a dry wash foam, which you rub all over the cats fur, about 2 days later her pooing problem started, there would be poo in the hall way in 2 of the corners and by the smell you could tell it was fresh, in some corners there where blood marks, where i think she had attempted to poo, but nothings come out,the type of poo my cat does are runny poo, i even caught my cat trying to poo in the corner of the room by my sisters draw, and caught her peeing behind the door, me and my family dont know what to do because its all of a sudden.
Thanks Hina x
well the problem is that this behaviour could be caused by several different things.
It could be purely behavioural and caused by your cat feeling anxious. Its called middening. see mu page for more on this issue.
The other possibility is that there is a health issue which could be anything from constipation to some other digestive disorder.
When this sort of behaviour happens out of the blue like this i always recommend that you have your cat checked by a vet first. This is to make sure that there are no health issues.
if the vet gives the all clear then you can start to tackle the behavioural issue (middening ) as described on my page.
Hope your lucky cat is better soon..
best wishes kate