my cat precious has problems

by rhonda seneck
(millstone township, nj, usa)

my cat precious is about 10 years old. she is a short haired domestic cat. she has always breathed faster then my other cats but just recently it got bad. im only asking because im broke and cant get to vet right now. my little brother brought home fleas and didnt try to get rid of them for 2 weeks. he was breeding them and then he super bombed. he didnt cover the vent or under the doors that lead to where me and my cats stay. the bomb almost killed us. just want to give u all the facts before the big problem. i used advantage on all my cats and they looked like they were gonna die for over 12 hours. the fleas were gone but they all have tape worms now. i noticed precious started breathing worse. very rapid and through her mouth. she will not lay down for long. she doesnt seem to be in pain but seems very uncomfortable. shes just starting to hide alot. i can not find any matching answers on any website. i thought it might be the worms at first cause the parasite might have passed through the lungs. i gave her homeopathic drops to try to get rid of the worms but she started having bad breathing attacks from getting upset because she does like the drops. the worst attack i saw her have was when i put just saline in a nebulizer and tried to let her breath in the steam. she looked posessed and drooling and gasping for air with her mouth wide open. i was so scared that i was gonna kill her. but it looked more like an axiety attack then a lung or heart problem. 10 minutes later she started breathing a bit better and went and ate and drank and then used the litter. its been like 2 weeks and she has not slept. she sits up most of the time and falls asleep from time to time

sitting up. she breaths rapid and her stomach jerks up and down 24/7. her bad attacks come when she is scared or aggrevated and that is when she looks posessed. have u heard of this before. i hope im not gonna lose her. im waiting for a large check from a law suit to come through any day now but right now i have five bucks in my pocket. i called an emergency vet just to ask and the girl was so nasty to me saying that if i cant afford to take her to the vet then i should give her away to someone that could. i told her if she was that caring then she should let me bring the cat over right over and let me pay later. then i hung up. im just stuck between a rock and a hard place at the moment. i hope u can help me with some type of answer or advice on how to comfort her a bit til i can get her to the vet.

thanks so much for ur time,


Answer from Kate
Hi Rhonda

I am so sorry but there is no advice i can give you other than to try and get your cat to a vet as soon as possible.

There is no way or telling what her problem is and in fact she may have several issues from the worms, the fleas and the flea treatments. they may all be having an affect on her and she really does need to be diagnosed properly and as soon as possible so that treatment can begin.

See if your vet is able to take payments of knows of somewhere which can help you financially with the cost. the longer your cat does not see a vet the worse her condition could be.

I'm know how worried you must be but unfortunately sometimes there is only one answer .

i hope she is better soon

best wishes Kate

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