my cat rubs butt on floor.

he is a male. he has a big head and skinny legs and sides in the back of his body.

Answer by Kate
It could be that he has impacted anal glands or that he has some irritant around that area such as skin mites. i would suggest that you take him to the vets to get him checked out. that way you will know what you are dealing with and could be preventing distress for your cat.

Comments for my cat rubs butt on floor.

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by: terry

brought cat to the vet today, she got 2 injections,and a painkiller, it turned out to be one of her glands. My hubby got a thank you from hew with a bite she nearly bit his finger off. She is sleeping now, have to put the painkiller into her food. Thank you for your answers and help xx

ferrel cat
by: terry

i got my cat 5 years ago , she has had all her injections and has been neutered, just lately she bites very deep so i bleed. im getting scarred of her now as i am disabled and have to avoid infection do to my illness, now she starts moving her bum on the floor and licking it , she is a ferel female. she eats and drinks normaly, does go regular to the vet for demating her fur. can you help plz.

have you wormed her recently? Sometimes this rubbing of their behind on the floor is a sign of worms.
is she is feeling stressed due to something like worms then she may bite more.

it may be a good idea t have her checked over by a vet soon. Kate

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