My cat sleeps a lot and always seems tired but once she gets off the bed, she's very jumpy. Why is that?

Hello, my cat use to sit in the living room during the day time and meow for food whenever she feels hungry. But recently, for about 4 days now, she looks really tired. She always runs off to my bed and sleeps for, literally, the entire day. She only gets up for about an hour and then goes back to sleep. However, during that hour, she jumps, or hops, a lot which is completely different from when shes sleeping. She really looks tired and no matter how much we touch her she wouldn't wake up. Before when we touch her paw for awhile, she would get off the bed immediately but now she doesn't even care.

And also, she recently got fleas and I'm thinking it has something to do with that maybe?

Answer by KAte
yes it could be to do with the fleas. fleas drink blood which can cause anemia they also do carry illnesses themselves which they can pass on to your cat. if I were you i would take her to see a vet soon, hopefully it is something he can sort out easily but anemia does cause tiredness and so she may need a iron injection. But the vet will be able to also rule out any other illness too.

i hope she is Ok again soon

best wishes Kate

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