My cat Sparky

by Paige


My cat is almost 10 years old. Recently he has been sleeping under our bed which he has NEVER done before. He also seems to be walking slower, not eating as well and just not acting himself.

He usually meows at us a lot when he wants food in his bowl or wants to get into the shower to drink the water and he hasn't done any of that for a couple of days. He seems to be using his litter box. I see him go in and come out but not as frequently. I'm not sure if he is sick or not or just getting old. I called my vet but they couldn't tell me anything.
Thanks for your help.

Answer by Kate
well, as your vets have said it is difficult to say for sure without a proper examination.

yes at 10n years old it could simply be the onset of old age. cats like us do slow down and change their ways to accommodate for stiffer joints etc. So it may simply be this.

please see my pages about senior cats and cat arthritis for more on age related issues with cats/

However I would always recommend a trip to the vets when ever a cats behavior changes suddenly. it can often be a sign that they may not be feeling that well. At the very least it will be able to put your mind at rest, if not provide treatment for your cat if there is an issue.

best wishes Kate

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