my cat won't eat

by Beth Short
(Columbia SC)

My cat got out and ended up locked in a bathroom in a maintenance shop at the apts we live in. He was able to get water out of the toilet, but hasn't eaten in all that time. Now all he wants to do it lap water out of the toilet. When I try to get him to eat it seems that he has forgotten how to bite and chew the food and all he does is lick at it. He is so thin the vet was able to feel his kidneys when he examined him. I am not sure what to do to get this cat to eat again. He needs to gain weight and get better.

Thank you

Answer by Kate
try tempting him with some fresh smelly fish like tuna or a different brand of good cat food, sometimes they just need to have a change in food for a day or so. Make sure the food is easy to eat ie brocken up into small peices and don't put too much in the bowl at once, this way you will be able to see just how much he has eaten. If he still won't eat, then the vet will have to look further into his case and probably put him on a drip to keep him going, but this is worse case and i'm sure that with a little more tempting your cat will be ok.

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