my cat

thats her

thats her

well my first question is my cat is always drinking but she only likes really cold things is there something wrong with her?the next one is shes been crying like all day and shes not in heat what could it be?thanks.

Answer by Kate
Cats are just like us and have their own particular likes and dislikes, so the fact that she likes cold fresh water as opposed to warm water or water that is room temperature is their preference. It could also have to to do with the fact that the water out of the tap is fresh as well, a lot of cats prefere fresh water, My own cat does and we have to give her fresh water every time she wants to drink, she will not drink her water even if fresh but left out for a hour or so.

Regarding the cat crying, it is very difficult to say what the cause is as it could be so many things. can i suggest that you read my page about cat meowing behaviour it may help with some ideas.

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