my cats ear is about closed up, and the ear itself is like a bubble

by Sonya Boatwright
(Dublin GA)

This might be related to the mites from him scratching, but his outer ear part is like a big bubble and the beginning of the ear going to the canal is about closed.......any info for a home remedy, I have used the earmite meds the vet gave me, not helping, I heard using crisco oil and rubbing his ear and cleaning it with this will smother the mites....

Please help....Thanks

Answer by Kate
Hi, it sounds liek your cats ear has become infercted and that the swelling is either pus or inflamtion from the swelling. the ear may need to be drained as it can be very painful. It is probably related to the earmites as if they are not treated quickly enough thye can cause infection. i would strongly recommend that you return to your vet who will have to prescibe other drugs, eardrops a dn antibiotics, he may even have to drain the ear. No home remedy will help your cats infection and without proper treatment could get worse.

best wishes kate

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