my female cat has blood in her poop why

by Angel

I just noticed my cat went to use the litter box and noticed blood in her poop and it like dripped out after her pooping as well, I have only noticed this now and she just went in for her vaccines Tuesday for her rabies and booster and a heart worm pill too, but don't know is wrong with her otherwise. I haven't noticed the blood til now and I don't know what it is from, the vet checked her out and didn't say anything was wrong with her either, so I don't know if I should worry or not, but I am cuz that isn't normal and we have never had this prob before so I don't know what to do.

Answer by Kate
Any signs of blood in the feaces or urine should always be checked by a vet. the vet may not have noticed anything as he was ot checking for it.

I am assuming that your female cat is spayed and so it cannot be a sign of her being on heat.

Call the vet and ask for their advice, they will probably want tp see her, but it really is beter to be safe than sorry.

Best wishes kate

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