My poor girl


My almost-1-year-old cat was out early this morning and was woken up by the screaming outside. When I got to the back door, another neighbourhood cat was swatting at her. I chased the other cat away and slowly took my stunned cat inside.

I checked her over, and she appears okay, except for a few hairs that came loose from her.

The problem is her behaviour now as she's been hiding under the bed and meowing for a few hours now.

Will she get over this? I'm quite concerned. Thanks for your help!

Answer by Kate
She may be very tentative about going out side for a while, but with a lot of attention and games from you over the next few days and then with you encouraging her to go outside and spending alittle time with her out their i'm sure she will recover her confidence.
It is not unusual for your cat to behave this way after a fight but most get over it fairly soon.

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