my tabby
by Alice
Hi my name is Alice and i have a 7 year old tabby called Daisy-Bell. She is absolutely gorgeous but i have noticed that when people look at her body shape they point out that she has an odd shaped bum. I look at other cats, then look at her and think, okay..they are slightly different..i was just wondering,could my tabby be related to maybe a different breed? We don't know her background as we bought her when she was two at a cats protection center. So if you have any info as to why she looks different i would really appreciate it to know.
Answer by Kate
Although all cats have a similar body shape their are slight differences in breeds and if you are not sure of what her liniage is then it is quite possible that she has a mix of ssome very different breeds in her causing her shape to be slightly different.
there is also the possibility that she may have been born with a slight defect in her shape, just like some humans are or she may have even had an injury in her past that has caused the shape to be different.
i myself have a rescue cat and her front leg is a very funny shape. the vet thinks that it may have been brocken years ago and knitted to getaher slightly wrong but it causes her no pain or difficulty.
All that really matters at the end of the day is that she is healthy and in no discomfort and that you love and look after her. Right?
Best wishes and Happy new year to you and your family