My ten year old cat is howling all night!

by Melanie
(Alberta, Canada)

My ten year old, inside cat, has started howling at night, for hours. Sometimes she is playing with something, other times, just howling. She was fixed when she was six months old. During the day her behavior is normal but at night she keeps our whole family up with her howling. What can we do with her??

Answer by Kate
Hi, well as you know night time is the natural time for cats to be active etc and so often they are awake while you are asleep.
Unfortunately sometimes due to age cats can become a little insecure at night time, it is dark and they are on their own and this is often the cause of howling etc.

There is a few things you can try.

About half an hour before bedtime have a game with her that will help to tire her out and also she will have got your attention for a while. then just before bedtime give her a meal. this often helps to settle them down.
make sure that the room they are in over night has everything they need i.e bed, water, litter tray etc but also provide things which may help to keep her night time catty instincts occupied. I.e things to chase or hunt etc. there many different toys and activities available to help cats who need a lot of stimulation etc.

Please see my pages about indoor cats and also cat toys for some ideas.

best wishes Kate

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