nervous cat after going missing
by emma kilcommons
my cat went missing abit back for a week and when she came home she's been acting very nervous and scared hiding all the time and im getting really worried about her
Hi Emma
this is not unusual behavior after a cat goes missing for awhile. Basically your cat has had an experience which has probably been very scary and now even though she is at home she is still anxious about it all.
She may have met a nasty cat or dog on her trip and is frightened that they are around somewhere, this would make her very jumpy and agitated.
My cats are similar if they have a fight in the street with a cat or if the dumper truck takes them by surprise. They spend days after that looking like scared rabbits around the house and jump at the slightest noise.
Hopefully as time passes your cat will forget her experiences and regain her confidence.
best wishes kate