netered male still trying to mate

by elizabeth ohland
(powell wy)

i have 6 loveing cats around the age of 8 months old. all fixed. 2 boys and 4 girls. the secod male (not the alpha) is still trying to mate with the females againt their will. the other male does not do this. its disturbing to walk in on and i am not sure this is a normal thing. help?

Answer by Kate
Sometimes it does take awhile for the hormones to die down in the system after neutering and so this may be the case. Also instinct does still play a part. it is not unusual to see neutered males cats still performing the mating act from time to time, but this is usually only now and again.

there really isn't anything to worry about with this behavior, what normally happens is that it will either just happen now and again and the female cat will soon get tired of his behavior and tell him off. There isn't anything that you can do, just let them sort it out amongst themselves.

I wouldn't be surprised if this stops altogether soon anyway.

best wishes Kate

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