neutered cat still wanting to mate


my male kitten was fixed a year ago and was fine now he has started humping our quilt on the bed and crying is he frustrated or did the fix not work. should we go back to the
same vet, we called and they said its was unusual, and could we take a movie of him ???????? he is a maine coon we love him!
our last one lived to be 24 1/2 years old!

Answer by Kate
are you sure it is hunping behavior? I mean it would be very unusal as his hormones should not be there that would encourage him to do this. It may be something else like kitten behavior like neading mums tum or even a stress related behavior, does he have enougfh to keep him entertained during the day?
If it is mating behavior then yes take him back to the vets in case their is some other hormonal thing ahppening that may cause similar behavior.
Best wishes

Comments for neutered cat still wanting to mate

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Humping Maine Coon
by: Sarah

I have a two year old male,neutered, and part Main Coon. He humps his "sister" and my two 6-month kittens almost every night while crying and if they don't let him then he just cries/howls. I wish he'd stop for the sake of the others, but people say that the humping is just a sign of dominance and the crying is from boredom. I haven't heard anything about the actions combined though. Maybe it's a Main Coon thing?

neutred cat mating
by: Anonymous

ive got two male cats and also too females but one male my black one pins the females down and of course they then start crying but he does that in a sexaul position and hes not a young cat either he must be about 4 or 5 years old now he hasnt just suddnly started doing it but not sure how long hes been doing it for and my other male sprays things and fights with other cats including my neighbours cat as well i still love them two bits dispite this behavour .

Neutered cat humps
by: Anonymous

Our tabby does the same thing. Bunches up a quilt and makes it his girlfriend.

Humping Maine Coon
by: Anonymous

Hi there, I have a neutered Maine Coon who humps everything...mostly my daughters pillows. I love my cat (5yrs old btw), but it has become such an issue we are thinking of finding him a new home. I feel your pain...some advice would be great. Obviously the hormones, or lack there of, mean nothing.

fixed male cat one year later he started humping
by: Peter

I checked the other night when he was doing it I turned him over and noticed his little thing
was hard?

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