by angelina
(chicago IL)
Hi we adopted a 6 month old kitten from the human society lastweek. We noticed her bowl of water is gone everyday after I fill it up to the top and it is completly gone 9 hours later. We took her back to the pound and told them and they say they checked her urine for diabeties and she was normal with negative for diabeties. Do you think the antibitoics shes on can cause her to drink so often? She is on antibiotics for a uri and ear mites. Also I got her rabies shot on saturday so not sure if that is making her drink excessivly still. She is very playful and eats and drinks so was curious if you know why she drinks alot. Also behind her right ear she is missing some fur do you know what can cause this? I told the human society about this too and they think maybe from her itching at it alot from when the mites where bad. Not sure why she would only itch at one ear that seemed odd to me. They told me someone adopted her 4 months ago from them and then brought her back lastweek so not sure if they didnt treat her right since she got the ear mites and upper resp infection while with that family. Also the vet says her fur lacks luster and looks like she had a poor diet so I hope her fur starts to shine and look healthy, when do you think her fur behind her ear will grow back? Will that take long? Thankyou much for your answers.
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