odd behavior in my cat

by brian
(montreal, Quebec, Canada)

My cat Ramone, suddenly started crying it seems out of fear and wouldn't let me go near him when I tried to console him. He would run away etc.

After some encouragement he would come and let me pet him, but he would start to cry again and run away from me.
This is very out of character for him. I thought he wanted more food so I gave him more and he ate like he was starving, and then continued to cry for more food.
I did change his food a days ago which he seems to love, so I'm thinking his stomach could be upset? but then he is crying for more food, so I'm not sure of the issue.
He then was overly affectionate for a couple of hours and then vomited.
He seemed to feel ashamed and scared even this morning, and I try consoling him because it's not his fault but the way he was crying really concerns me. He did the low cry before vomiting, which is normal in cats, but it was the scared high pitched cries followed by running to hide under the bed which really confuses me.
he had a look in his eyes he had seen a ghost and didn't recognize me.
any suggestions?

Answer by Kate
Umm i don't like the sound of this. It may be associated with the new food ie.e the vomiting but unfortunately it is difficult to say.

if i were you i would stop the new food and give him a day or so of a very plain diet to try and sooth his digestive system, then return slowly to the old food. it may just be that the new food is too rich for him.

the skittish behavior may be caused by him feeling strange or unwell. A day or so of plain food should help.

if after this time or if symptoms get worse then your best option to a vet visit to make sure that there are no other underlining causes.

Hope he is better soon

best wishes Kate

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