Over grooming cat

by Brook
(New Zealand)

Why is my cat over grooming herself until the fur has completly gone it that particular spot?

Answer by Kate
over grooming can be sign of stress and the cat is rying to comfort themselves with grooming. The other reason could be a skin problem or irritation. It is best to get the cat checked by a vet to make sure that there is nothing wrong with the skin.
If all is physically ok then it could be stress or boredom. Try to distract your cat by making sure there home environement is stimulating and entertaining. See my pages here about playing with your cat and indoor cats.

Comments for Over grooming cat

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Excessive Grooming
by: Anonymous

Would Aromatherapy help calm a cat who overgrooms oneself? I read somewhere that there are some fragrances/scents that cats like. One of mine does this when stressed. Thank you.

i wouldn't think so as they will link it off and this could be toxic. Look at the page on this site about nervous cats. Over grooming is a symptom of this.

cat licking excessively can be a sign of mouth pain - needs dental work
by: Anonymous

your cat may also need dental work or have an abscessed tooth and have mouth pain, licking can feel soothing when your cats mouth hurts, take her to the vet asap

over grooming
by: Anonymous

I was wondering if the problem of over grooming is at all related to Hyperthyroidism. My cat has just been diagnosed and started with meds about a month ago.

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