possible cat abuse

by Ella
(Chico, Ca)

I made the worst decision ever. I took my cat to get groomed and they were obviously on drugs. Methamphetamines I believe. But I left her there even though I felt bad about it. When I got her back after an hour and a half, she was shaking so much. They also shaved all her whiskers off. When she got home, I noticed she was walking strange with her back end dropped low. She is having a hard time jumping up to her regular spots. Her back legs don't make it. I took her to the vet and she is not broken, but I am wondering what could make her pelvis drop like that. I am thinking they were too rough when shaving her. Please help me figure out what this could be.

Thank you,

OMG that sounds awful, Have you reported them? Or at the very least gone back and complained to them. What on earth were they doing shaving the whiskers.

The vet would have ermined her to make sure she was not in pain anywhere so i am not sure why she is dropping her back end.

i wonder if it is just down to fear i hope its not because they inserted anything which has made her sore.

I really don't know what to say to this apart from I hope they are stopped and closed down. This does sound awful and I would be absolutely furious if it had happened to my cat.

I hope she is better soon

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