Pregnant stray cat

by natalie
(east texas)

Hi, we have a preg stray cat that comes around our house. We have fed her and tried to let her in before, but our other inside cats were none too pleased. Now she is coming to our back door crying. Does this mean she is getting ready to have her babies? or is she just lonesome and wants attention? Shes a really sweet cat, but we already have 5 in our home. We do not want anymore inside. Thanks

Answer by Kate
I would suggest that moving the stray cat inside with all your other cats would not be a good idea.
If you have fed her you have given signals to the cat that you will feed her in the future, her crying is her way of getting your attention for some more food.
What you do will be entirly up to you of course but for me i would say that i was nor responsible for her well being and continue to feed her and perhaps even provide somewhere outside warm and dry for her to perhaps have her kittens in. then i would ensure that she was neutered afterwards and the kittens found homes after a few weeks so that they can be socialised in the seven week sensative window. All it would mean to you is that you have one outside cat that you care for as well as your 5 inside cats.
Caring cat lovers such as yourself are the answer to helping reduce the feral population by caring from them and having them neutered. Good On you.

Comments for Pregnant stray cat

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Stray Pregnant Cat
by: AnneMarie

I have gone through this twice & have 06 rescued cats & a Cocker-Spaniel inside now. My Vet's advice was to ensure a safe warm dry place that she can have her kittens-she will disappear for a few days when she has them then will return to you or even move the kittens to the place you provided & will need a lot of nourishment-food/water. She will NOT do well inside w/your other cats & it will stress her out more. The kittens NEED to be nursed by her for at least 07 weeks so after 02 months, find good homes for them, then you can get her spayed as when they are first born they need constant nursing & after 02-04 weeks, need nursing every 02 hours so she can NOT be taken away from those kittens until then or the kittens could die. I am enduring a very SAD situation w/02 mommy stray cats at present & know these facts via my Vet & the Humane Society here due to others neglect & lack of logic. My e-mail is
Good Luck & yes she cries for food & your security!

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