Rescue Cat won't come downstairs

by allyson


I have a rescue cat called Henry and he was eight years old when i got him and was a stray till found by rescue centre.
I got him on 1.9.2010 and first few weeks he was terrifed and hid behind a snooker table.
He is now loving and loves being stroked and brushed but will not allow us to pick him up.
He eats well and uses the litter tray which is in the spare room which i have made totally for him.
He roams about upstairs between the three bedrooms but will not come dowestairs at all.
He did at first when we were asleep at night probably to have a look around but now he will not move from upstairs so we sit at the top of the stairs to pet him and stroke him and he sleeps under my sons bed at night.
i have tried to tempt him with treats and even moved his food tray but he just would not come down to eat and the food was left all day and then i felt mean and took it back upstairs.
It would be lovely if he came downstairs and was with mye and my son as he would get even more cuddles then and dont know what else to do.
I know cats have their own personalities and would it be best to just let him come down when he wants to.?
He is happy upstairs and obviously feels safe up there as he has probably had a rough life before he was rescued by the RSPCA centre rescued him.
What shall i do??
All your expert tips would be appreciated.
Allyson Howe
Answer from KAte
Poor little guy is obviously still fining his confidence in his new home. I really wouldn't worry at this stage and leave him to his own devices. Let him make the decision to come down stairs in his own good time.

You haven't had him for that long so it is still early days. Give him another month or so and then yo could perhaps give him a treat at the top of the stairs. The the next night move one step down and give him a treat. dont force him bit try this over a period of time and i wouldnt be surprise if he starts to venture further down the stairs.

You must let him make all the decisions an do things in his own time or you risk making things worse.

I wish you all a happy life together.

best wishes Kate

Comments for Rescue Cat won't come downstairs

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Same Here
by: Judelyn

A 3-year-old stray came to us almost four months ago, starving and with an injured paw. I kept her in an upstairs room with the door closed for the first two weeks while she ate, slept and healed and I sat with her a couple of hours a day. My other two cats are often upstairs, too. That's where their food and litter boxes are. Now that the new cat has free reign of the house, she stays in my office, also upstairs. She does not want to be picked up but she has sat on my lap a couple of times of her own volition. The other two cats are not very friendly toward her - in fact, more often than not, one hisses at her if she gets close. She will not go downstairs. Am not forcing her to. I figure she will decide to venture down on her own some day. If not, she can live out her days as an upstairs cat. She's very sweet, loves for me to pet her, and does those adorable head butts sometimes, and she has the kind of steady gaze that lets me know she trusts me. That's enough.

Rescue cat won't come downstairs and pees on me when I pick him up!
by: Camilla

Hi, I have just read your question and I have the same problem!
I've adopted a cat that won't come down the stairs at all after three months... He's 5 and is ery loving to me but when I picked him up to bring him down he peed all over me! I have a German shepherd downstairs but she is very friendly. She can't get upstairs so introducing them is becoming very hard.. Im happy for him to come upstairs but the litter tray is annoying as we can't use the spare room!
We are getting a cage tonite as a last resort to get him downstairs and smelling the dog through the cage. Any advice will help please! Thanks, Camilla

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