Revenge Urination
by Debbie
(Cherry Hill, NJ USA)
I have 2 male cats whom I adore. They are usually very good about using their litter boxes, which I clean at least once a day. They do not have accidents when I leave for work and come home after school (I am a teacher). However someone usually pees outside the litter box if I go out for the evening and come home late or if I stay over. This can happen even if I am out for 10 hours after I have left them with a clean litter box.
Help! I feel like I am being held prisoner by two felines.
Answer by kate
This kind of behavior is never bad behavior it is always caused by something and your cat is reacting to the something. urination is used as a sign of communication to other cats and also as a comforter to the cat as it make the area smaell more like them. So when your cat does this it is because something has upset them.
Do you have separate litter trays for your cats? Or are they too close to each other?
Of course it could be separation anxiety when you go out. there are many many reasons for this sort of behavior. can i suggest that you look at my page about cat urination and also my page about cat socail behavior, both of these pages will give you more information about these problems. it is obly when you can discover the cause of the urination and eliminate it that the problem will be solved.
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