severe cat constipation

by Denise

My 5 year old tuxedo cat has been diagnosed with constipation 8 weeks ago. Within 2 weeks, he had 2 enemas. Week 5, he had a manual extraction done by his vet. Week 7, I gave him soapy water enemas every few hours and still nothing is working.

He is socialble, lovable, eats all his soft cat food twice a day, drinks water but still hasn't pooped.

I give him the following:

Morning lactulose
Evening Metamucil
Mineral Oil mixed in each meal
Plain Yogurt - hates it
Baby Food Squash - hates it
Soapy Water Enemas
Fleet Pedia-Enema

Oh geeze, I'm at my wits end.

Please help!

Oh my goodness this sounds like a very severe case and does rather sound to me like the vet may need to do some more investigation.I am wondering if there may be a problem inside preventing the normal system to work.

Does your cat get plenty of exercise? If not then trying to encourage him to run around may help to get things moving.

It does sound like you are doing everything you can and for your cat.

You have probably already seen my page about cat constipation but if not here it is for more information

I hope this situation can be sorted out soon for all of your sakes, i can appreciate how distressing it must be for you all.

best wishes kate

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