something is wrong with my cat

by becca
(ross township PA)

It started a week ago with her having clear poop. Then she became overly fatigued. Then she had an orange thing on her poop. Then she got better for two days. Now she is pooping outside of her litter box. She had something weird on her poop just a few minutes ago ( ). She is also very tired, has a fever, runny eyes, and is sneezing alot. What is wrong with my cat.

Facts about Jinx:
-2 years old
-indoor cat
-never near other cats
-tends to be sick atleast once every 6 months
-no serious or chronic diseases known
-cant afford to go to the vet because her vet costs 35 for just a visit and 35 for every test and 35 for every medicine and gives people medicine

she is sick and im very worried

Answer from Kate
Becca what can I say. Just like us humans when we are sick we need to go to a professional who can do tests and prescribe the correct medication. If we try and guess at what the problem is it is likely that we either make the problem worse or it takes much longer to over come.

Yes vets are expensive thats why having insurance is important do that we can look after our pets properly when hey need it. Sadly tat is just a fact of life.

It is impossible to say what could be wrong here. It may be a simple tummy upset which she will get over in a week or so but equally if it goes on for too long there could be something else wrong. Have you treated her for worms?

Are you sure she is flea free too as they can pass on infections.

If you have done all these things and she is still ill then my advice would be to find another vet in your area, one who you can have better faith in.

I hope she is better soon

best wishes kate

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