Spaying and Eating problem with cat
I recently just got my cat spayed last December and have noticed a BIG change in her eating habits. She used to peck at her food here and there, rarely ever finishing the food in her bowl. But now, all she does is beg for food, including human food, and will eat the whole thing in one sitting. I can hardly even get the food in her bowl without her attacking it. She never cared about food in the past, so why the interest now...does the spaying have anything to do with it
Answer by KAte
I don't think the spaying would have caused this and is probably just a coincidence.
Now cats eat like this for two reasons either it is behavioral due to greed or having been deprived of food in the past i.e from being a stray. or it is caused by a hormone imbalance perhaps to do with the thyroid ever a cats behavior changes suddenly i always recommend a trip to the vets as this is often the only way we ca tell if there is an illness involved.
If she gets the all clear then you will know it is due to anxiety over food and you can deal with this by feeding her smaller meals but more often through out the day and not giving into her begging as this will only make the situation worse.
I hope she is Ok again soon
best wishes Kate