strange acting indoor cat

by Pat

I have this cat named Max, and he had been acting all strange and had been trying to get out the whole week. Then, when I came back from the store at 12:00 Max darted out. It's Sunday and he has been gone for 4 hours. I've looked and looked for Max but I can't find him. Why was he acting strange and how can I find him? I worried about him.

Answer by Kate
Well it could be so manyreasons. it is difficult to say. If he is not nuetered then that could be trhe reason or it could be that he has seen another cat outside and wants to assert his territory or it could simply be that he wanted to go out side as he was bored in side. The reasons are all dependant on your cats own personal circumstances.

Four hours is not long at all, especailly if he doesn't usdually get the chance to go out. Call him regulaly and perhaps leave some food out for him. I'm sure he will return once he done what he wanted to do.

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