stray cat gone missing

by Mary Lynn

We live in the country and have a male cat that showed up at our house a few months ago. He is a real sweetie and I do feel awful about leaving him outside. We have an indoor neeutered male cat and they like to look at each other through the windows. For the past few days he has not wanted to eat...if very little and then 2 days ago he hasn't been around. In the couple of days before he left he was meowing really loud...which wasn't at all like fact you could barely hear him meow. I have never had cats before so I am not at all familiar with their behavior. I have walked all around our farm...which is only 4 acres and have not found him. It has been very cold but he has always taken shelter in the barn. I have checked with the neighbors and they aren't sure they have seen him either. Should I be worrying that he is dead...or could this be "normal "catting around" behavior? Any info would be great! Thanks so much!

Answer from KAte
well if he is a stray then it is likely that he is not neutered. in which case the meowing and taking himself off would be normal behavior for a cat looking for mates. Male cats can wander a long way for this.

Of course you can never rule out the possibility that he has succumbed to the weather. the life of a feral or stray cat is a harsh and shorter life.

If he does turn up again, you could always make the decision to me his owner and have him neutered. This should prevent him wandering off again, plus it may help to extend his life and make it a more comfortable one.

best wishes Kate

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