Tea drinking cat

by Verena
(beijing, china)

Hi I have a 3 1/2 month cat and a few days ago she started drinking out of my tea. She has stopped drinking her water and whenever she is thirsty she just comes and drinks tea. I put the cup away and then she stopped. But whenever there's tea on the table again she starts drinking it. Then after that she gets very hyper. Is this bad for her. What can I do to to stop this habit?


Answer by Kate
i know of several cats who like the odd sip of tea but i would not recommend it long term. if you have milk in the tea then that could cause diarrhea as cats are intolerant of cows milk. Also the caffeine in the tea could make the cat a little hyper.

All you can do is to keep moving your tea away from them when ever you have one, if this is done every time then the habit will eventually be broken. you could also pick her up when she does this and place her down in front of her water bowl or give her some cat milk.

best wishes Kate

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