by Mich
My roommate's cat has been acting strange for the past 2 months. It started after she escaped and went outside one night. We could not find her for an hour, then we heard a loud cat scream and found her a few minues later sitting near a bush. That night her stomach was making a lot of noise, but she seemed like her normal self. A few days later we noticed a weird bump on her side. The vet said it is a fat deposit. A few weeks passed and she began to whimper a bit when picked up. She was fine other than that. A few weeks ago it got worse. We thought it was her hips because she cries when you touch near them and she walks a bit like she is limping. However, she now cries almost any time you move her. The only time she really doesn't cry is if you pet her face. She sleeps all day and night. She has been to see two vets and they cannot figure out what is wrong. She has had an x-ray and all looks good. She eats and defecates normally. There are some moments when she acts normal and will sit in your lap and she always loves to be pet on the face/head. She just does not socialize like she used to. She stays in the same room almost all day. She comes out sometimes late at night... she does not play with her toys anymore. What could be wrong??