
by debbie

This is a long one. My apologies! 2 weeks ago we took our 9 year old orange tabby Tiggs in for teeth cleaning. He was very traumatized and took him longer than in the past to manage anesthesia after-effects. Next afternoon he seemed fine, but left a big poop on our couch out in the sunroom where he spends most of his time. I reprimanded him and everything seemed back to normal. However, today (two weeks later) he left another poop on the same area of the same couch (after the first incident it was scrubbed and washed thoroughly). He also left a big pile of vomit right infront of the door. I'm not too worried about the vomit (when he gets too excited running around after he eats he throws up). It's the 2nd poop that I have an issue with. These episodes do not seem like they were a runny accident. They were solid. His box is kept very clean--scooped once a day or once every other. He has never behaved like this before. He also had blood work prior to the teeth cleaning, so test-wise he checks out fine. I can't figure out what the problem is. Is it behavorial or should we take him to the vet?

And if it is behavorial what can we do to stop this? I can't bear to get rid of him after 9 years, but poopies all over the house are out of the question!
Thanks very much.

Comments for Tigger

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Pooping in the house
by: jude

My cat did this twice. After I scrubbed and sprayed with Fabreze, she stopped. I think you have to find a scent stronger than the poop, or they will go to the same place. Also I stopped this by putting plastic bags on the area for a while, and she won't go on the bags. Then she forgets about the spot and starts the litter box agan.

by: Kate

whoops i don't know what went wrong there.

Anyway this sounds like middening to me. I have a page here at https://www.our-happy-cat.com/cat-poo.html

This is extreme behavior for a domestic cat and is caused when they are feeling very insecure. It is quite possible that the visit to he vet was worse this time and has caused this to happen. Your cat is using the poop as a way to try and reassure himeslf that everyhting is ok. I'm afraid there is no quick solution to this, follow the advice on my page and give your cat lots of attention. Your cat is not being bad. I hope all will resolve itself soon.

by: Kate

This sounds like middening to me. I have a page about it Click here to add your own comments

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