Tobias Our Cat

by Raven
(New Jersey)

Tobias Our Cat

Tobias Our Cat

Tobias...someone threw you away...and you came to my door.
You gave me kisses, and cuddled by my side, and had the loudest purr
I had ever heard.
With Bagheera and Belladonna, you lived a good life.
But your health failed, and it came time to let you go in peace.
You were, and are loved.
We will meet again.


Comments for Tobias Our Cat

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Apr 22, 2022
stray cat left in county side
by: Anonymous

why would you catch the stray cat and not take care of him or bring him to a non profit who helps stray cats adapt. why would you catch and release any animal out of their territory, their home, where they know the enemies and where to hide and where to get food. Why would you then dump them in the country side where they have no clue of where to find safety and food . No wonder the cat just sat there he was stunned and shocked an scared to death. A coyote, bob cat or eagle /hawk probably killed him that day or night or he starved and dehydrated to death. Especially if he was a domesticated cat that was left or dumped by some person or family he didn't want an animal anymore. Why would you do this , it makes absolutely no sense and is cruel !!!

Mar 16, 2022
looks similar
by: Anonymous

that cat looks like a stray I caught and released into the countryside. He was a real sweetheart too. didnt even run away after I dropped him off.

Mar 04, 2022
by: aaaa

May his soul rest in peace

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