Traveling 1200 miles with my fur-babee!!
by Pam Large
(Covina, CA)
I am traveling 1200 miles with my fur-babee and would like advice as to how best lessen the stress and anxiety she may experience.
Thank you for your continued help and support in helping us all care for our precious pets :)
I don't know if your cat is used to traveling or not or how she is with a carrier so i have given you the link to my general page about training cats to get used to traveling in a carrier here in itself will help the cat from becoming too anxious about the whole thing.
Apart from that there are medications that you can buy from your vets or online see here
scared-cat.htmlwhich help to keep your cat calm during the journey.
Of course during the trip regualr breaks and feeding times need to be maintained. you may have to try and get your cat used to wearing a harness so that you can allow them out of the vehicle to relieve themselves or you may have to consider having some sort of litter tray arrangement inside the car whereby you allow the cat out of the carrier inside the car to use the litter tray. sure the cat does not become too hot during the journey and has access to water all the time is essential. there are bowls or water feeders which help prevent water from getting out. My cat used to like those rabbit water drinkers, she would lick the end to make the water come out.
Enjoy your trip