Update: Pray for My Snickers

by Mary
(North Carolina, USA)

Snickers  (1997-2010)

Snickers (1997-2010)

I wanted to send an update to all the loyal readers of this site.

I submitted a request this morning for prayers for my Snickers.
Snickers is a 13 year old Tortie cat who I rescued 3 years ago.

She was diagnosed with thyroid disease a couple years ago and has been on medicine to keep it under control however last week she began to show signs of thyroid failure so we went to the vet and had her meds updated to a new level.

She did well for several days but yesterday she was looking weak in the eyes.
I watched her closely and noticed she was not her old self.
Her once spunky attitude was reduced to walking a few steps and then laying down for a nap. She did this all afternoon.

When she stopped attacking the refrigerator every time I opened the door yesterday, I knew Snickers was ill.
I called the vet last night who told me to keep her comfortable and bring her in this morning. The vet also reminded me that she is 13 years old and there could be other things going on and that it could be "just her time" approaching.

As the night wore on last night, Snickers got worse and it was apparent that she was slipping away and suffering as well.
I knew what I had to do as bad as I didn't want to admit it.
I spent as much quality time with her last night as possible and slept in small naps between checking on her through out the night.

This morning she was dragging her legs behind her and trying to go off in the house somewhere to be alone. (This is usually what they do when they sense their time is short). I found her under the kitchen cabinet in the back corner.
It was her chosen place to take her final sleep.
I called the vet and told them I was in route to end her suffering.
It was confirmed at the vet that she was suffering from Kidney failure.

Snickers crossed the Rainbow Bridge this morning at 10 a.m and is now playing in the green fields of Heaven with our other cats (Callie, Baby and Salem)
She is no longer old or suffering from disease or illness.
I miss her terribly and there is a hole in my heart that she once filled but she will live on forever in my memory as do all my cats that have gone before her.

Thank you all for the prayers and thoughts on her behalf.

Rest in Peace Dear Snickers.

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