Upset cat?

I have a russian white cat and she's so sweet but when I got a new adopted one, she really doesn't like the small cat.. Why do my russian cat is really mad to my newly adopted one? Thanks

cats are not pack animals like dogs. this means that they don't like to live with other cats. They like to have their own territory.

Now some cats who have grown up with other cats all there lives from being a very young kitten can get used to being around those cats, but may still react badly to new cats who turn u.

In your cats case she sees this new cat as a threat to her territory, so it is not a surprise that she is upset.

it is important to introduce your cats to each other properly to try and help them accept each other, but there are no guarantees.

I have a page about this on my site. Please read it through and try the introduction method described their for awhile to see if this helps. here is the page

best wishes kate

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