Very worried about my cat.

by Adrienne
(Brockville, Ontario, Canada)

Hi,I'm in need of some answers if you have any. My 8 year old female Calico cat is acting normal but there is somthing coming our of her vagina, it looks like she's giving birth but it seems she's not in pain, and she's been an indoor cat her entire life. It looks like a blood sack and has a little of blood around it. She acts fine when you move her tail to see it, but i'm still worried. She's never really been in bad health, she'll throw up sometimes but we changed her food and she's fine, but will still get a hair ball once and a while. She is a runt, so she's very tiny compared to the average cat. Thank you for taking your time to read this, and any suggestions would be very helpful.

Answer by Kate
Umm well if she is definitely not pregnant then all I can think is that she has ruptured herself inside somehow and her vagina is prolapsing. I am not a vet and so cannot say for sure but in any case this is not normal and needs to be treated by a vet as soon as possible before any infection can set in.

I would be interested to know what the vet diagnosis as I haven't come across this before.

i hope she is Ok again soon

best wishes Kate

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