very young kitten has orange diarrhrea
by george clement
(Lake Charles)
my kitten has never eaten anything except for its mother's milk, but for some odd reason it had orange diarrhea that was very runny and gooey. What made the kitten have diarrhea . The kitten is only 4 weeks old, and the mother and other three kittens are very healthy. Its healthy too i think because its acting just like the other kittens, and how it usually acts.
Kittens can pick up tummy bugs easily and so he may have picked something up. Also kittens digestive systems are still developing and so in some cases some kittens may have problems digesting the milk.
As you kitten is still very young you need to contact your vet and ask for advice as he will still need all the nutrition he can get but may need something to slow down any diarrhea and prevent dehydration which can be a real problem. Usually you would reduce the food amount to try and help reduce the diarrhea but as i say as your kitten is still very young i think your vet is best placed to make suggestions to help.
best wishes kate
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