weird like cat behavior

by Joey
(Willowick, Ohio, United States of America)

My three year old fat cat, Laya was fine yesterday and now all of the sudden this morning I realized weird cat behavior. She is one of the most gentle and loving cats you would ever meet. She keeps running around downstairs, and she growled at me which she never does, and she keeps hissing and running everywhere. I put her in my mom and dads room just to rest and she went right under the bed which she never does. This is strange? She is not pregnant because out of the blue, 2 years ago, she got fat. We thought she was pregnant but never had her babies.

Answer by kate
this sounds simialr to an experience i had with my cat a couple of years ago. It turned out that she had been bitten by an insect of a stray flea nad was allergic to the bite. It made her skin feel itchy and made her run frantically round the house in a mad way trying to get away from the irritation. This would also make her grumpy.
the trouble was we couldn't see anything so we took her to the vet who diagnosed the allergy and gave her a injection to calm the condition down.
My advice would be to see how she is in another day or so if she is still acting strange then take her to the vet for a check up. :)

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